Save the Displaced American History Teacher from Homelessness

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Did they fight, or like fight fight?

I took my son's aunt to a university class with me years ago. She was all of 15 and excited to sit in a university classroom and listen to a lecture. The class was an east Asian history course. As the professor did an excellent job of explaining the clashes of the Mongols and Chinese this young lady in my class raised her hand and asked, "Did they fight or like fight fight?" The professor, slightly taken off guard by the question had to pause for a moment before answering, "They fought" and continued the lecture.

I have been writing about language and lack of usage. This was an example I would use in my own classroom. My son's aunt was a little shocked at the level of questioning. I was embarrassed that she had to see that. I only hope for the girl in the class, her language improved. This reminded me so much of the Bill Hicks monologue about his adventures in a Waffle House. Where the waitress asked him "What are you reading for?" Now what are you reading, but what are you reading for? Bill's response, "So I don't end up as a waitress in a Waffle House."

Your turn, what have you heard someone say that makes you go, "Did I just hear that?"

1 comment:

  1. There are so many: can instead of may, the use of 'dude', white folks trying to be cool by talking like African American and Latino street gang-bangers. The list is endless.
